Leadership everywhere

Leadership everywhere

Episode 5 – A Men’s Special (english summary)

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In episode 4 we found that women are pushing for and pioneering different ways of living and working, and many men also want to see exactly that. If there are similar demands, what is going wrong? How does the working world of men look like and what are the implications for leadership and organization development? This is a summary of my conversation with Christian Berger, gender equality expert and lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. Christian also advises companies in gender equality management and works at the Chamber of Labour in Vienna. The interview took place in German, the full version is also available on this podcast.

We looked at the background and context of the following questions:

1. the professional advancement of men is defined in most cases by power and competition. To live up to their role model, men have to fight for status, income and professional success. What effects does the common male role model have on the living and working worlds of men and women?
2 Why do only few men leave their typical role models, e.g. by taking paternity leave, working part-time or taking up a 'female' profession’? Which prejudices are they exposed to, how do untypical behaviors affect their careers?
3. How can organizations support the development of a modern role model for men that opens up new spaces for both men and women and at the same time strengthens the organization’s long term success?
I look forward to your suggestions, feedback, constructive criticism, and questions about the podcast. You can find my contact details, articles and blog-posts on my website www.abado-coaching.com. Please send enquiries about individual or group coaching, key-notes or panel discussions to gabriela@abado-coaching.com or contact me via my website.
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Über diesen Podcast

In diesem podcast stelle ich Fragen zum Thema Führung im 21. Jahrhundert und gehe diesen Fragen nach. Die Welt von heute verlangt nach Persönlichkeiten mit klaren Wertehaltungen und einem Bekenntnis zu sich selbst. Ich beleuchte wie der technologische und gesellschaftliche Wandel Führung und das Selbst-Verständnis von Führungskräften verändert. Wie können möglichst viele Menschen ermächtigt werden, die Lebens-und Arbeitswelt im 21. Jahrhundert menschen-gerecht mitzugestalten? Dazu gehört Reflexion, Mut zum Hinterfragen von festgefahrenen Annahmen über sich und die Welt, das Verschieben von persönlichen Grenzen, einen guten Umgang mit Ungewissheit und scheinbaren Widersprüchen. Dieser Podcast erscheint wöchentlich abwechselnd auf Deutsch und auf Englisch.

von und mit Gabriela Abado


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